It May Be Small But Micro Learning Delivers Macro Training Results

The annual (dreaded) mandatory compliance training: multiple hours clicking through text heavy screens, trying so hard to pay attention, but in the end likely walking away with just enough knowledge to have passed the requirement. Although we’re done until next year (phew!), there has got to be a better way. Well, there is! Rather than delivering unengaging and ineffective information overload, learning and development organizations can leverage microlearning to deliver training in small, yet highly impactful doses. 


What Is Microlearning? 

Microlearning is a short, focused, learning nugget, about 3-5 minutes in length, designed to meet a specific learning outcome.  


In recent years, the educational community took note of learners’ shortening attention spans, difficulty staying focused for long periods of time, and their resulting lack of information retention. At the same time, individuals were getting increasingly bombarded with information, technology was advancing rapidly, and the way the world was consuming information was changing. The educational community took a step back to reevaluate traditional learning approaches. They recognized they need for more effective, learner centric ways of reaching learners, learning methods that would not only capture but also keep the attention of leaners who were increasingly pressed for time, overloaded with information, and on the go. Delivering just one learning objective at a time, microlearning delivers an on demand, just in time and at the right time, cost effective yet media rich learning experience that can be accessed from a computer or mobile device. Microlearning effectively meets the challenges presented by modern-day learners.  


Maximize Microlearning with Scenarios and Gamification 

When combined with scenario-based learning and gamification, microlearning delivers an even more impactful learning experience. 


Traditionally, a learner is asked a question, they select an answer, and the learning is moved along to the next question. If they select an incorrect answer, the learner has no experience at all other than they got the answer wrong. Scenario-based learning presents learners with a relevant real-life situation and then takes learners down a path to facilitate a learning experience, enabling the learner to apply, reinforce and ultimately retain information.  


For example, a marketing company wants to increase customer service. They create a microlearning module based on the relevant and real-life scenario of answering a customer call. They then ask, “In this customer call situation, what would you do: A, B, or C?” The learner’s answer choice projects their next experience. If the learner chooses the incorrect answer, they get an opportunity to resolve their understanding at the next level. They may be offered a hint, reminder, or redirected to reference information, “That’s not quite right. Remember, the caller is a new customer, not an existing customer.” The learner is gently guided to resolve their understanding as they make choices in the scenario. If the learner selects the correct answer, “Great job, you remembered that the caller is a not an existing customer!” Learners receive feedback along the way summarizing why their choices were right or wrong. Learners are given an opportunity to play out a scenario by applying information; learning becomes a customized experience rather than a lecture. 


Introduce elements of gameplaying to really maximize the effectiveness of microlearning. While scenario-based learning focuses on why you chose the answer you chose, gamification introduces an element of consequence based on your answer choice. For example, introduce rewards, points accumulation, or a visual meter. “Congratulations! You won 500 points!” or “Oh no! Your health meter is going down!” Human dynamics ensures that the learner does not want to disappoint themselves motivating them to think through their answers with more thought and careful deliberation.  


Microlearning delivers bite-sized learning to busy learners. 

Scenario-based learning creates a leaner led experience. 

Gamification introduces fun and excitement. 


Microlearning + Scenario-based + Gamification = Maximum information retention! 


Microlearning combined with scenarios and gamification come together to create an effective, and most importantly, sticky, learning experience – a learning experience that no longer feels like learning and that your learners won’t soon forget! 

Contact ChangeStaffing to learn how our instructional designers and training developers can help your organization develop a microlearning strategy.

A special thanks to Jewell Ullven, senior instructional designer, for her thought leadership and for collaborating with us on this blog.

Richard Abdelnour

Co-Founder, Managing Partner at ChangeStaffing

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